The girls had alot of fun helping mommy prepare thanksgiving dinner. Trinity and Kennedy picked and cleaned the greens, made the apple sage stuffing, added the finishing touches to the mac and cheese, and topped off the candied yams. I reminded the girls of all the things we have to be thankful for, not just today but everyday. God is good!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
The girls had alot of fun helping mommy prepare thanksgiving dinner. Trinity and Kennedy picked and cleaned the greens, made the apple sage stuffing, added the finishing touches to the mac and cheese, and topped off the candied yams. I reminded the girls of all the things we have to be thankful for, not just today but everyday. God is good!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Ken's first soccer practice
Today was Kennedy's first soccer practice so I put her on about four layers of clothes, grabbed dad and sissy and headed out to the field. I worked last night but I knew I couldn't miss my baby's first practice. It was freezing, well freezing for Florida, about 30 degrees with a wind chill factor of about 20! Practice went well, Kennedy has a very nice and patient coach. All of the children on the team were friendly. Ken had a blast and I think it's going to be a great season. Go Sharks!
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Husband Rocks Friday
There are many adjectives that I could use to describe my husband, but reliable quickly comes to mind. No matter what, if he says it, he does it. Now I can be woman enough to say that I don't always reciprocate this trait, but don't worry, God ain't through with me yet!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Movies, Park, and Dinner
Today the girls were promised a fun day out if they finished all of their chores and school work. Kennedy did a great job with counting by 2's, 5's, and tens, reading Go, Go, Go with no mistakes, and conquering 3 digit regrouping addition. Trinity got an early start on compound words,and the property of water. Once the work was out of the way we headed to the movies to meet the Huffs.
We saw Madagascar escape to Africa, it was so funny. After the movie the girls and I said goodbye to the Huffs and headed to the park to feed the ducks. The park is beautiful this time of year and the girls had alot of fun.
Our next stop was IHOP, there's nothing like breakfast for dinner. The girls caught daddy up on all the days events and of course Kennedy had something funny to say. Kennedy looks at her dad after he finished eating and says "daddy, how were your mashed downs?" that's Kennedy for hash browns!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Fall days
Today the girls headed to their weekly activities. Kennedy went to gymnastics and found out that for the next session she has been moved up two classes. Kennedy is really excited about doing more on the big floor. In ballet/tap, Kennedy is doing well and preparing for the annual summer receital. Trinity is doing very well with her guitar lessons. Today she learned Happy Birthday and A little Jazz. Trin is getting better and better with reading the music.So volleyball season is over and the girls will start soccer later this week. Stay tuned for more pics and funny stories
Friday, November 14, 2008
My husband rocks Friday
There's something to be said about a thoughtful man. After working all night I really appreciate my husband keeping the girls busy as to not disturb me while I sleep. As if that is not enough, Vince cooks breakfast for me and has the house smelling good with Sunday dinner. Just when I thought it couldn't get better, Vince surprised me with purchasing the ring I wanted for our anniversary. The ring is gorgeous, but the man is priceless! I love you Bay!
Kennedy's cheer dance receital
Tooth # 6
Today Kennedy lost tooth #6 and now affectionately refers to herself as "toothless wonder." Kennedy quickly informed me to call the tooth fairy and tell her not to come to our house, but grandma's instead. When I asked why she said "grandma's tooth fairy leaves more money!" What am I going to do with this girl!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Baby Genesis
It's so nice to see patients again after assisting with the delivery of one or several of their babies. On today I had the privelidge of assisting with the delivery of a patient that I took care of almost 6 years ago when she was having her first son. This was a very special delivery with a very special end product, Baby Genesis.
Friday, November 7, 2008
My husband rocks Friday
My husband loves me and our children unconditionally. Whenever I spring something up at him he may gripe, but he always comes through. Trinity loved having her dad practice with her for volleyball and all of his hardknocks coaching from the side line. Even though Trinity's team didn't make the championship game, her dad let her know that "there's always next year." Kennedy had a blast at her party and daddy was right there, acting a fool with her. It is so wonderful to have such a supportive and caring family man. God is good!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Oh what a night!

Where was this thing when we needed it? Last night Trinity ran her sister's bath water while Kennedy used the bathroom. Well 20 minutes later after walking in a pool of water on the dining room floor Vince discovers that Kennedy fell asleep on the toilet with the bath water running. What a mess! There is never a dull moment in this house!
Defeat and the after party (11/4/08)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
America the Beautiful

This great man that is to be the next president has such a quiet strength. What I am most impressed by Barack is that he vowed to not change, and he has not. One thing in his speech last night that truly struck a cord was "At this defining moment, change has come to America." That was such a strong, powerful, and purposeful statement. Not too many years ago, African-American people were still segregated and suffering in this country. One of the most prolific speakers of our time, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said "Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom . A man can't ride you unless your back is bent."
Above all , Obama has a positive way of making you feel like not only is this his victory but also America's victory. Never has America seen such support and volunteerism as with this campaign. Obama did not overlook any one group of people. While this election was smeared with harsh words, lies and gossip I was amazed how Obama did not retaliate with the same. Again in the words of Dr. King " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." Obama loves his family. Michelle Obama is a true inspiration of a phenomenal woman. Michelle has a presence that demands attention but is approachable. I am so glad that my daughters can see what kind of woman you can be when you put God first, embrace education, and remain true to who you are, as Michelle Obama has.
Last but certainly not least, I know that Barack Obama is not our savior. I know and believe in my heart that this country still needs prayer and guidance from my lord and savior Jesus Christ. I will continue to pray for Barack Obama and the people that make decisions for this great nation that they do things that are moral, good, and for the advancement of all people. In closing I leave you with an exert from the poem Still I rise by Maya Angelou:
Out of the hurts of history's shame, I rise. Up from a past that's rooted in pain, I rise. I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide welling and swelling, I bear in the tide leaving behind nights of terror and fear, I rise. Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear, I rise. Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise, I rise, I rise.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election day!
Today the girls and I got in the car early and headed to our precinct to cast our vote. This election is historic in many ways and I am so blessed that I had my girls at my side the whole time. The children have learned many things about politics over the last several months. The most important thing that I have told them is that you have to vote or you don't have a say!