Ok ,so let me start by saying I know what I did was wrong and I will try hard not to ever do it again. Let's see here where should I start. Yesterday Kennedy lost her third tooth...

She was so excited that the tooth fairy was going to come visit her, that she prepared a special snack for her all by herself....
Kennedy couldn't get in the bed fast enough, so that she could fall asleep before the tooth fairy came. I read Kennedy a story then she handed me the phone to make sure I called the tooth fairy. Well I was really tired you see, so I too fell asleep shortly thereafter. I woke up again at 11:30 p.m. to snatch the tooth and leave a couple of bucks. To my surprise I was fresh out of cash (I have a bad habit of never keeping cash on me, God bless the folks that invented debit cards)! So in my sleepy haze I came up with a grand scheme. I would write a note from the tooth fairy (you know, an IOU) and slip some cash under her pillow on the next night...
And yes that is a crinkled receipt from the kitchen counter!
Anyways, Kennedy woke up this morning and ran straight to me holding the receipt "mama what does this say?" So I read the note to her and she said "oh, ok!" I know, I know. I really should not play on the innocence of a child, but what would you have done in my position?
The funniest part happened later in the afternoon. We were on our way home from guitar practice when Kennedy out of no where says "mama, Trinity has visions!" So I said "What?" Then she said "Last night before I went to sleep Trinity told me the tooth fairy was broke, and she was!"
I wouldn't trade my kids in for anything in the world. And Trinity you better not tell!
Shame on you! You didn't have any change? Tanashia
LOL! That was priceless! Nice place, I'll check back!
No you didn't! I bet you'll keep some cash in the cookie jar until they both have all of their permanent teeth-LOL. Who's taking guitar lessons?
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